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Media Release

WRHA hospitals and STARS ready to respond Christmas and New Year’s Day

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
Thursday, December 22, 2016

STARS flight crews and WRHA Emergency Room staff are reminding the public to take care this holiday season.

“The best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones, is staying safe and healthy this holiday season,” said Wendy Ducharme, regional emergency program director for the WRHA. “When driving – slow down, have your emergency kit in the vehicle if heading out of the city on the highways, have a designated driver or use public transportation, and remember to use safe food handling and storage practices when you are having those brunches, lunches and dinners!”

If you do need medical care throughout the holiday season, WRHA Emergency departments and the Misericordia Urgent Care centre will be open 24-7 but for non-emergency situations, Ducharme encourages people to check out www.myrightcare.ca to find the most appropriate health-care option and their hours of operation.

For those on the roads, STARS Flight Paramedic and Base Director Grant Therrien wants to see everyone drive with caution, buckle-up, and avoid operating motor vehicles while intoxicated.

“Poor driving conditions, impairment, and speed are all factors that can lead to tragic outcomes,” said Therrien. “We want everyone to make it home safe this holiday season.”

STARS responded to 162 motor vehicle collisions in 2015, with a majority of those calls involving highway speeds. STARS crew members are available for media interviews regarding road safety.