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Home » Wait Times
C = Clinic or doctor, U = Urgent care, E = Emergency

Wait Times

Where do I go? Learn how to find the right health care services for you, sooner.

Did you know? Every month, approximately 40% of people who visit a Winnipeg Urgent Care Centre or Emergency Department could receive the health care they need, often sooner, through a family doctor or walk-in clinic.

If you have any questions or need more help, you can call Health Links – Info Santé 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 204-788-8200 or toll-free 1-888-315-9257.


A walk-in clinic or family doctor is where most of your health care issues can, and should, be addressed. Always try to seek care for non-urgent or emergency issues through a clinic, doctor or nurse practitioner first.

See your doctor or walk-in clinic for things like:

  • minor illnesses, flu, rashes or infections
  • diagnosis and specialist referral
  • ongoing management of health conditions and preventative care
  • prescriptions, vaccinations and inoculations

Walk-In Clinic

A walk-in clinic or family doctor is where most of your health care issues can, and should, be addressed. Always try to seek care for non-urgent or emergency issues through a clinic, doctor or nurse practitioner first.

Walk-In Connected Care

Walk-In Connected Care Clinics (WICCCs) are available to the general public on a walk-in basis to meet unexpected health care needs during times when it is difficult to see your regular care provider. Walk-In Connected Care is provided by nurse practitioners, physician assistants and registered nurses; they will directly communicate and connect back to your regular care provider if required.

Current Walk-In Connected Care Wait Times

Last updated: 9:45 PM

Clinic Waiting Wait Time
ACCESS Fort Garry -- Closed
ACCESS Norwest -- Closed
ACCESS Winnipeg West -- Closed
Centre de Santé Saint-Boniface -- Closed
McGregor -- Closed

Pan Am Minor Injury Clinic

The team of Health Care Professionals at the Pan Am Minor Injury Clinic provide expert assessment and treatment for patients with non-life-threatening bone, joint, and soft tissue injuries such as sprains, cuts, bruises and fractures that do not require hospitalization.

These are the types of injuries you might get from a household fall, a slip on the ice, or from getting hurt playing sports.

At the Pan Am Minor Injury Clinic, they can set and cast broken bones; recommend splints, casts, braces, or crutches; clean, dress, or stitch minor wounds and burns; provide tetanus shots; and organize further testing and referrals as needed.

If you require follow-up after your initial visit, Pan Am offers a range of rehabilitation services.

Pan Am is open seven days a week. Patients can use the walk-in service or make an appointment. Patients presenting to Pan Am Minor Injury Clinic are assessed and given a return time based on their medical need. Once daily capacity has been reached, the Minor Injury Clinic accepts only urgent walk-in patients.

75 Poseidon Bay
Winnipeg, MB R3M 3E4
Pan Am Minor Injury Clinic Website

Family Doctor

Need to find a family doctor? We can help! Contact the Family Doctor Finder at:

Call: 204-786-7111
Toll-free: 1-866-690-8260
Family Doctor Finder website

Where do I go with a sick or injured child?

In Manitoba, parents and caregivers seeking medical attention for a child have several options.

Where you go will depend on your child's symptoms as well as where you are located.

Having a sick or injured child can be scary and overwhelming. Knowing where to go BEFORE your child becomes sick or injured can help you make the right decision when they need care.

HSC Children's Emergency often sees a large number of patients that could be treated by a primary care provider or in a Walk-in Connected Care Clinic. Knowing Where to Go may save you a trip - or a long wait.

Click here to read more

Still unsure of where to go? Call Health Links – Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or toll-free 1-888-315-9257.


Urgent Care Centres are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week to address urgent but not life-threatening health concerns.

See Urgent Care for things like:

  • illnesses or injuries that cannot wait for you to see your family doctor
  • fevers, flu symptoms, rashes or infections
  • dehydration
  • cuts that won’t stop bleeding
  • injured limb that might be broken or sprained
  • any other urgent, but not life-threatening, conditions

Urgent Care Centres are able to provide services not available in many doctors' offices, such as stitches and casts, but are not equivalent to Emergency Departments.

Urgent Care Centres help conserve Emergency Department resources for more serious, life-threatening conditions.

Please remember, patients at Urgent Care Centres, like at Emergency Departments, are seen based on their medical need, not order of arrival. More serious cases take priority.

Current Urgent Care Centre Wait Times

Due to rapidly changing demands and the need to see the sickest patients first, your own wait time may be more or less than the time displayed here.

Last updated: 11:52 PM

Urgent Care Centre Waiting Treating Wait Time
Concordia Hospital 27 28 14 hrs
Seven Oaks General Hospital 37 19 6.5 hrs
Victoria Hospital 30 19 10.5 hrs

Still unsure of where to go? Call Health Links – Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or toll-free 1-888-315-9257.


Patients with potentially life-threatening conditions should immediately phone 911.

Emergency Departments in acute care hospitals are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to address the most serious and life-threatening health issues.

Call 911 or go to emergency for issues such as:

  • stroke/facial weakness/ extremity weakness
  • heart attack/chest pain or tightness
  • unable to wake/unconscious
  • sudden onset of severe headache or confusion
  • seizure and/or severe head injury
  • major assault such as stabbings or shootings
  • severe difficulty breathing or trouble speaking
  • uncontrolled or severe bleeding
  • major trauma such as loss of limb
  • severe allergic reaction
  • severe burns

If your issue is not life-threatening, you may wait longer at an Emergency Department because more serious cases will be given priority.

Current Emergency Department Wait Times

Due to rapidly changing demands and the need to see the sickest patients first, your own wait time may be more or less than the time displayed here.

Last updated: 11:51 PM

Emergency Department Waiting Treating Wait Time
Grace Hospital 24 36 11.5 hrs
Health Sciences Centre - Adult 49 38 7.5 hrs
Health Sciences Centre - Children's 8 4 3.75 hrs
St. Boniface Hospital 33 38 8.5 hrs


The Mental Health and Wellness Resource Finder provides a number of mental health, wellness and addictions supports and resources for you and those you care about. Resources for youth and adolescents are highlighted in green.

If the person will attend VOLUNTARILY: Call the Mobile Crisis Service at 204-940-1781 or go to the Crisis Response Centre at 817 Bannatyne Ave.

If the person is NOT VOLUNTARILY getting help: Call 911 or visit an Emergency Department

Where do I go with a sick or injured child? How to find the right health care services for you, sooner. Click here to learn more.


Winnipeg Regional Health Authority expressly disclaims all liability for use or reliance on of the wait time website information and for any claims, actions, demands or suits arising from such use or reliance. WRHA does not assume and is not responsible for any liability whatsoever arising from any person’s use of this website or from any person’s decision to access any of the services referred to in the website.

Life-threatening emergencies
If you are in need of serious medical attention, call 911 or go to your nearest Emergency Department.
Health Links - Info Santé
If you are unsure what to do about a health issue or if you need health information, Health Links – Info Santé is staffed by bilingual registered nurses 24/7, 365 days of the year.
Call 204-788-8200 or toll-free 1-888-315-9257.

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