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South Entrance Access at St. Boniface Hospital

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
Published Wednesday, February 8, 2023

As construction progresses on the Emergency Department redevelopment project at St. Boniface Hospital, some changes are coming that will impact the South Entrance of the hospital. 

  • On Tuesday, February 7, the open portion of the South parking lot moved. The newly built West portion of the South parking lot opened Feb 7, while the previously operating East portion of the South parking lot near Taché Ave. closed. This shift to the newly built portion opens 47 stalls, which is 10 more than the previous alignment. This public parking lot is available to anyone, including patients and visitors.
  • On Wednesday, February 15, the new ground-level tunnel access, known as the Jack and Sheldon Forgan South Entrance, will open to the public. This tunnel passes under the new Emergency Department access road, linking the South parking lot with the ground-floor level of the main hospital.
  • The Jack and Sheldon Forgan South Entrance will be open to the public from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, and 2:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, with the option to buzz for entry during off hours.
    • The entrance will be open to all staff 24/7 via card access.
  • Also on Wednesday, February 15, a new Emergency Department patient walk-in pathway will open to the public. This additional entry corridor is for emergency walk-in patients only, and will be separate from the current EMS access pathway. A reminder that the new Emergency Department driveway lane is for emergency traffic only.

Access to the new parking lot and entrance, as well as to the West Block buildings, is via Goulet Place. Non-emergency traffic cannot enter the area via Taché Avenue, although the new alignment will allow vehicles to exit onto Taché.

For more information on how to access the Emergency Department, the rest of the hospital, and the West portion of the South parking lot during construction, please reference the maps on the St. Boniface Hospital website.

For updates on the status of the Emergency Department construction project, please see the construction updates on the St. Boniface Hospital website.

For more information, please contact WRHA Media Relations at: [email protected]