We Care What You Think
Resident Council
The Residents' Council represents the interests of Residents living at River Park Gardens. The group meets on a quarterly basis to discuss matters important to Residents. They participate in problem solving and recommend improvements. For more information, please speak to one of the Recreation staff or Social Worker.
Resident and Family Surveys
Surveys are completed with the goal to evaluate the care and services at River Park Gardens. It provides us the opportunity to determine how our Resident's experience day-to-day life. The results will identify issues of concern and help to inform quality improvement activities. Your opinions are valuable to us, and we want to hear from you.
Your Feedback
River Park Gardens welcome and encourage Residents and family members to provide feedback - compliments as well as concerns. Please bring any questions or concerns directly to your Nurse or to another member of your Care Team.
We Care What You Think
We invite you to use the "We Care What You Think: forms located in prominent places throughout River Park Gardens to share your recommendations and comments with us. Any concerns we receive are taken very seriously and are kept confidential. Should you wish for a direct response from staff, please include your name, room number or your family member's name, phone number and/or address. Follow-up to the concern can be anticipated within five (5) business days or sooner of the receipt of the concern. Forms can be given to the Nurse, Reception, or placed in the suggestion box. Tracking of complaints is an important tool in the continuous improvement of care and services. Positive feedback is equally useful in planning for the future and providing recognition and support for the work of our staff. Thank you for taking time to provide us with feedback.