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Infection Prevention & Control

The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority’s Infection Prevention & Control (IP&C) Program is dedicated to preventing infections for all individuals requiring care in our region. Infection Prevention and Control staff supports all WRHA hospitals, long term care and community facilities as well as partner organizations and members of the community.

WRHA IP&C Program key roles include:

  • Create regional IP&C policies and procedures for all health care settings to assist in the delivery of safe, quality care.
  • Monitor the amount and type of health care related germs in order to prevent and reduce their spread.
  • Provide education to all staff, patients, residents, clients, family and visitors on important IP&C issues.

What is your role as a patient, client, resident and/or visitor?

  • Perform hand hygiene to reduce the risk of spreading germs
  • Remind health care staff and your visitors to do hand hygiene
  • Practice respiratory etiquette
  • Wear personal protective equipment when directed

By following these steps you are reducing the risk of spreading infection to others.

Infection Prevention and Control is everyone’s responsibility.