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Public Compensation Disclosure

In accordance with requirements set out by the Provincial Public Sector Compensation Act, the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) has made its annual list of employees who make more than $85,000 a year available here.

This report includes the compensation paid to individuals employed by facilities and services directly operated by the WRHA. The hospitals included in this report are the Victoria Hospital, Grace Hospital, and Deer Lodge Centre. Other facilities and services included in the WRHA report are: Pan Am Clinic, Community Area Services, Churchill Health, River Park Gardens and Middlechurch Home.

Health Sciences Centre, St. Boniface Hospital, Riverview Health Centre, Misericordia Health Centre, Seven Oaks General Hospital, and Concordia Hospital are separate legal entities and are not included in the WRHA report. They would have their own reports.

No personal care homes, other than the ones cited above, are included as they are not owned by the WRHA. Other publicly funded personal care homes would have their own reports. The report also excludes St. Amant Centre and other community health agencies governed under separate boards.

Fee for service payments to physicians are paid through Manitoba Health and Seniors Care are not included in the WRHA report.

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