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Healthy Together Now

Healthy Together Now is a community-led, regionally coordinated and government supported, grassroots program to help prevent chronic disease through initiatives that support healthy eating, physical activity, smoke free living and mental wellness. Projects are planned and led by individual communities while the Manitoba Health, Healthy Living and Seniors and the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority provide funding, support and training.

Healthy Together Now Program goals include:

  • supporting communities that lead prevention activities
  • encouraging organizations, communities, regions and governments to work together to help prevent chronic disease
  • building on and blending with existing prevention programs, and developing new ones
  • increasing communities' knowledge and ability to run prevention programs for a variety of chronic diseases

How will we support your project?

Healthy Together Now can provide financial assistance and health promotion expertise to initiatives that meet the following guidelines:

  • Address at least one of the four Healthy Together Now pillars (healthy eating, physical activity, mental wellness and smoke free living);
  • Are evidence-informed (using the best available evidence from research, practice and experience);
  • Are community-driven;
  • Support community engagement and development;
  • Are innovative;
  • Are sustainable;
  • Are collaborative;
  • Are accountable.

Who can apply?

Grants are available to any non-profit group or agency within the community area.

Who makes the decisions?

Your community area Healthy Together Now Advisory Committee is community led and is made up of representatives from a variety of sectors. Collectively, this group will review, assess and have final decision making responsibilities regarding all project submissions.

Who to contact

Before proceeding with your HTN funding application, please contact the Community Facilitators in your community area to discuss next steps including application process.

Assiniboine South Community Area
Tonya Beveridge
[email protected]

Downtown Community Area
Mandy Safronetz
[email protected]

Fort Garry Community Area
Amanda Younka
[email protected]

Inkster Community Area (NorWest Health Centre)
Danae Reimer
[email protected]

Point Douglas Community Area
Vince Sansregret
[email protected]

River East Community Area
Tonya Beveridge
[email protected]

River Heights Community Area
Amanda Younka
[email protected]

Seven Oaks Community Area
Evan Zarecki
[email protected]

St. Boniface Community Area (Centre de Santé)
Alexandra Dénommée
[email protected]

St. James-Assiniboia Community Area
Kathy Perrault
[email protected]

St. Vital Community Area (Youville Centre)
Elizabeth Abimbola Alabi
[email protected]

Transcona Community Area
Stacy Boone
[email protected]

For more details on Healthy Together Now, including resources and online application, please go to www.healthytogethernow.net.

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