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Golden West Centennial Lodge - A Sense of Self & Home

Admissions Process


Golden West Centennial Lodge is one of 39 personal care homes in Winnipeg which are part of a “single point of entry” admissions system. This means that we do not have our own application form, nor do we accept direct applications.

Our applications come to us through the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority in the following manner:

People Living in the Community

First contact for care would be through the Home Care Program. If you are currently receiving home care, speak to your Case Coordinator about the personal care home application process. If you are not yet enrolled with Home Care, call the Intake line at 204-940-2655 for more information about the process.

Your application for personal care home (which is called the "panel process") will not be processed until you have received the maximum home care available, depending on your needs. In this way, you will be helped to live in your own home or apartment in the community for as long as possible.

People in Hospital

If you become ill and have to be admitted to a hospital, the home care system will work with you, your family and the hospital staff to determine safe living options for you.

Eligibility: This is determined through the "panel process". It is based on your care needs as well as some aspects of your citizenship and residency. These are outlined in detail under long term care at

Wait Lists

Personal care homes have varying lengths of wait list dependent on their capacity and turn over rate. At Golden West Centennial Lodge the wait time is generally at least 12 months from the time of application (panel process). Should you need 24 hours care prior to being offered at room with us, the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority will arrange an interim placement for you to wait for admission here.

Meeting Your Care Needs

Admission to Golden West Centennial Lodge will only occur after our Assistant Director of Care has met with your family and visited you to conduct a pre-admission assessment. This assessment will take place in your home, in the hospital or at another personal care home, depending on your circumstances. The assessment will determine whether we can meet your care needs and expectations, and which of our care units will be most appropriate for your physical, cognitive and psychosocial care. If it is determined that this facility will not be a good match for your care needs then the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority will assist you to find alternate placement. If admission is possible then you will be offered a room as soon as one becomes available to meet your particular care needs.

We are currently unable to accommodate people who are on continuous oxygen, dialysis and tube feeds. We may not be able to care for those who are considered bariatric. We have a limited capacity to care for residents who present with challenging behaviours so that decisions on the admission of such applicants will be made on a case to case basis, depending on out current care mix.

Cost for Services

Personal care home service fees (resident charges) are determined and governed by Manitoba Health and are consistent across the province. They are based on your income as reported on your current income tax Notice of Assessment. To read more about these rates, ask for the booklet "Personal Care Services – A Guide to Services and Charges in Manitoba" or view this information online at These charges cover the essential services.

There will be extra costs related to fees for service – e.g. hair care, manicures, foot care, dental care, outings, etc. You will be asked to establish a Trust fund with us and fees for these services will be charged to that fund. You will need to make your own arrangement to pay for other services of your choice such as television, newspaper. You will also be responsible for personal items such as walkers, wheelchairs, slings, etc. Golden West Centennial Lodge will provide you with a further explanation of this in the admission package.

Admission Day

A member of the Golden West Centennial Lodge team will discuss the admissions process with you as part of the pre-admission assessment visit and will assist you with the details of preparing for that day. They will also be here to facilitate the events of admission day and guide you in completing all of the necessary paperwork for financial arrangements and consent forms.