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Continuing Education

WRHA Palliative Care Program

Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Grand Rounds

Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Lunch Rounds take place twice monthly and Evening Rounds occur two to three times a year.

Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Rounds Posters


Manitoba Hospice Palliative Care Annual Conference

The Manitoba Hospice Palliative Care Annual Conference is held annually in the fall.

The Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Annual Conference

This conference provides doctors, nurses, pharmacists, hospice palliative care and other allied healthcare professionals; and caregivers, volunteers, spiritual advisers, and social workers with the opportunity to share their experience and expertise on a national platform.

International Congress on Palliative Care

Every other year physicians, researchers, nurses, psychologists, social workers, pharmacists, music therapists, art therapists, physical therapists and volunteers gather from around the globe to learn from and with each other for the betterment of palliative care.