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Information for Patients and Families

Planning for Future Care

Tips for Talking with Your Health Care Providers

Clear communication with health care providers is important. These Canadian Virtual Hospice articles can help you prepare your questions or concerns and discuss them with your health care team.

Advance Care Planning

Advance care planning is a way to help you think about, talk about and share your thoughts and wishes about future health care. It gives you a “voice” in decision making, helps you determine who would communicate for you if you are unable to communicate for yourself and should include conversations with your health-care team. These workbooks provide step by step guidance on developing an advance care plan.

Health Care Directives

A health care directive (also called an advance directive or living will) is a written document or set of documents that is used to express your health care wishes when you are no longer able to personally communicate those wishes.  Here you will find information about how to write your own health care directive in Manitoba.

Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Many decisions are made throughout the course of disease and illness, including decisions around pursuing CPR or not. CPR is a medical intervention aimed at restarting the heart, blood circulation and respirations in a person experiencing cardiac arrest. Review the following resource(s) for considerations and information on CPR.

Living with Illness

Compassionate Care Benefit

The "Compassionate Care Benefit" is available through Employment Insurance for family members of individuals who are terminally ill. 

Dying at Home - Preparing for a Home Death

Introductory information on planning for end of life care and/or death at home while receiving palliative care services.

Caregiving Demonstrations 

Canadian Virtual Hospice video series on common tasks that caregivers may perform in the home while providing support to a loved on receiving palliative care.

When Death is Near

This is a Canadian Virtual Hospice resource that outlines common symptoms and physical changes that may be seen at end of life.

Living with Loss

Practical Matters

Online and printable resource to help families sort through the practical considerations that arise following the death of a loved one.


Online resource from Canadian Virtual Hospice with information about living with grief.


Canadian Virtual Hospice

The Canadian Virtual Hospice website was created by a team of doctors and nurses who specialize in palliative care, to offer support and information about living with advanced illness, end of life care, and bereavement to patients, family members and health care providers.

Palliative Manitoba

Palliative Manitoba is a not-for-profit agency that provides information and volunteer visiting services for palliative patients and their families.

Advance Care Planning Canada

Advance Care Planning Canada is a website focused on information and resources supporting informed decision making and planning for future care

Living My Culture

Livingmyculture.ca – This Canadian Virtual Hospice resource features individuals from 11 cultural groups sharing their perspective on palliative care, end of life care and loss and grief

Pediatric Palliative Care

The Pediatric Palliative Care team is involved with patients from birth to 18 years of age. The team also sees Women with a prenatal diagnosis of a potentially life-limiting condition. A request to have the Pediatric Palliative Care Team involved in the care of a patient needs to be made by a health care provider.

Caring Together

Caringtogether.life is a free platform designed to educate, support, and empower parents caring for a seriously ill child and those who are experiencing pregnancy or infant loss. Developed by families and pediatric healthcare providers, we understand . . . and we are here for you every step of the way as you care for your child, yourself, and your family.

Living Out Loud

Livingoutloud.life – Young adults and teens are shattering the silence of living with advanced illness by creating a webspace of their own. Their stories are unscripted, unfiltered and unforgettable, offering help when it is needed most.