Adjusting to Long Term Care
This section provides information about life at River Park Gardens. We hope this information will be helpful to you and your family. Our goal is to work with you and your family to make your admission and stay as comfortable as possible. We encourage you and your family to be actively involved in making decisions about your care. If you have any questions about our programs, services or your care, please feel free to speak with a member of your care team.
Moving In
Preadmission: If you have requested placement at River Park Gardens, the social worker will contact you or your designated decision maker when a bed becomes available. A date and time will be arranged for admission. At this time information will be provided to you regarding documents, personal items and
clothing you will need to bring with you at the time of admission.
Admission Day: Admission time is typically 1030 a.m. At this time, staff are available to spend time with you to assist the move and adjustment to your new environment. You or your designate decision-maker will be asked to complete necessary admission paperwork. A nurse will meet with you to review your health information and complete an initial assessment.
What to bring with you: It is recommended that you have one week's worth of clothing prepared, basic toiletries and comfort items. If you need equipment
such as a cane, walker and/or wheelchair, please be sure to bring these with you on admission. River Park Gardens will label your personal items for you.
Storage space is limited in our rooms. We encourage you to store off-season clothing, suitcases and other items off the premises whenever possible. River Park Gardens is not able to provide storage space for furniture or other personal items.
Interdisciplinary Care Conferences
Care conferences are an opportunity to review your care plan, update your Advanced Care Planning Goals, ask any questions and address any outstanding concerns.
These conferences are scheduled starting upon admission with the Post Admission Care Conference. It takes time to settle into any new home and during the early weeks and months, you and your family will be learning about River Park Gardens and the Care Team will be learning about you. Six to eight weeks after admission, you and your family members will be invited to meet with the Care Team to talk about how well you are adjusting. Afterwards, conferences are scheduled annually or on an "as-needed" basis.