Financial Arrangements
When you move into River Park Gardens, the Accounts Payable-Receivable will provide a financial package for you to complete.
Manitoba Health determines per diem rates based on the previous year annual income(s) as stated in the Notice of Assessment(s). To process the Application for Reduced Residential Charges you or your representative will need to submit the appropriate years Notice of Assessment(s).
Upon completion of the financial package, a letter indicating the daily per diem rate and monthly rent will be provided to the resident or representative for the current year. Rent is processed on the first of every month to be taken automatically from your financial institution.
An annual summary of residential per diem charges will be provided with January/February statements. Rent summary statement is provided quarterly. On a monthly basis, each resident or their representative will receive a statement that itemizes their personal expenses for the previous month. Funds owing for the personal expenses are automatically paid from your financial institution the last business day of each month.
Federal Pensions Available to Seniors – There are several federal pensions that are offered by the Government of Canada. The Old Age Security (O.A.S.) Pension is available to seniors who qualify. You must complete an application for the O.A.S. pension. Application forms are available from any Income Security Programs Office. The Guaranteed Income Supplement (G.I.S.) is an income-tested, monthly pension or benefit for Old Age Security (O.A.S.) pensioners with limited income apart from the O.A.S. Pension. Application for the G.I.S. can be made at the same time that you apply for the O.A.S. pension or an application will automatically be sent to you at the time your application for the O.A.S. pension is approved. You may qualify for the Spouse's Allowance if you have a low income and your spouse or common-law partner receives or is eligible for the Guaranteed Income Supplement. You may also qualify for the Allowance if your spouse or common-law partner has died, and you have not remarried or entered into a new common-law relationship for more than 12 months.