Information For Family & Friends
You will be an important part of the team and be encouraged to participate and share information as you feel comfortable. A holistic approach based on the relationships we build with you and the Resident will strengthen our commitment to continue to provide quality care.
If you want to leave for an outing or casual holiday
Residents who are able to leave the building and would like to do so should always inform the Care Team as far in advance as possible. This will allow nursing staff to arrange any necessary medications.
Residents are able to have social leaves away from River Park Gardens for the purposes of holiday or vacation. The maximum amount of time per leave is 21 days. The Care Team should be informed of such a planned absence well in advance.
River Park Gardens Newsletter
River Park Gardens Newsletters are published and distributed once per month to help keep loved ones informed and also an opportunity to show case some of the fun events happening with our Residents.
Family Information Night
Family Information Night is held two to three times per year and offers a time for us to connect as a community. We also share updates with loved ones on a variety of topics ranging from recreational activities, flu season prep, quality improvement initiatives and many other topics depending on what is coming up at the facility. When a family information night is scheduled, it will be advertised in the newsletter and also shared with you in the monthly billings we mail out.