Resident Safety
We make every effort to maintain a safe environment at River Park Gardens and appreciate your cooperation.
Staff Identification Badges
For security reasons, all River Park Gardens employees, volunteers, are issued photo identification badges that must be worn at all times when they are on duty. Look for this badge when a River Park Garden staff person approaches. If you notice someone on your floor carrying out a staff role but is not wearing an ID badge, please notify a member of the Care Team.
Wanderguard System
For the safety of Residents who are considered to be high risk for unsafe wandering, or who may have trouble finding their way back to their rooms, a Wanderguard system is in place. The system utilizes an electronic bracelet that controls the sliding doors at the main entrance to the facility and exit doors so the Resident can't exit certain areas. A manual override feature is available beside certain doors so visitors and caregivers can enter accompanied by a Resident who is wearing such a security bracelet. Wanderguard bracelets are rented to Resident needing to use one. Note to family and visitors: If you find an unaccompanied person wearing a Wanderguard bracelet, please be a good neighbor. Alert a staff member, who can accompany the person back to their house.
Our Smoke-Free Environment
River Park Gardens recognizes the damaging effects of smoking on health and so we provide a smoke-free environment for Residents, family members, staff and volunteers. Please note that there are no facilities in River Park Gardens or on the property to accommodate smoking by Residents or visitors.
Residents wishing to enjoy an alcoholic beverage can do so. Alcoholic beverages cannot be stored in a Resident's room. Please ask a member of the nursing staff for details about storing personal bottles of wine or spirits. Because certain health problems or medications can interact, your physician must be consulted before an alcoholic beverage is taken.
Protection for Persons in Care Act (PPCO)
A Resident has the right to be treated with respect and dignity and to be free from abuse while living at River Park Gardens. River Park Gardens has policies requiring a "zero-tolerance" of Resident abuse in any form, and is committed to treating all Residents with dignity and respect at all times. We will promptly investigate any matters of concern to Residents or family members. The Protection for Persons in Care Act is a law enacted in Manitoba in order to protect adults from abuse while receiving care in personal care homes, hospitals and other designated health facilities. The act requires anyone, including staff, volunteers, visitors and any other person who has a reasonable basis to believe that an adult receiving care in a health facility is, or is likely to be abused, while they are in care, to promptly report their belief to the Protection for Persons in Care Office: accessed through a confidential toll free line 1-866-440-6366 outside Winnipeg or 204-788-6366 in Winnipeg.
“Least Use” of Restraints
At River Park Gardens we believe that Residents should be allowed to maintain their dignity and independence. At the same time, we recognize our responsibility to provide a safe environment for our Residents, and so we make every effort to identify and manage the risk factors that exist. When all
interventions, including changes to the environment, have been tried and proven unsuccessful, restraints may be used if Residents are at risk of causing serious bodily harm to themselves or others. In all cases, the least restrictive type of restraint will be used for the shortest period of time possible, according to the guidelines in our policy on restraints. The use of restraints will be fully discussed and consent obtained from the Resident and/or family members.
Physical Restraint – any device that a person cannot remove, and which restricts freedom of movement. For example, two full side bedrails or seat belts on chairs that a resident cannot remove on their own.
Chemical Restraint – A medication given to decrease a person’s ability to function without a diagnosis of a mental illness.
Environment Restraint – A barrier to personal movement that confines a person to specific areas. Examples include the removal of canes or walkers. This does not include electronic location bracelets, locked units or use of brakes on a wheelchair for safety.
- Restraints are the LAST resort after all other options have been tried.
- Restraints should be used for the least amount of time possible.
- Restraint use is re-evaluated at least every three months.
Facts about Restraint Use:
- The care team must complete a comprehensive assessment before a restrain is used, unless there is an emergency use.
- Staff will explore all options available prior to employing the use of a restraint. The interdisciplinary team will work with the family to ensure resident safety.
- A resident or substitute decision maker must consent to the use of a restraint, except in an emergency situation when the safety of the resident or others is at risk.
- There is a risk in using a s restraint. Many negative effects have been reported by residents using restraints including feeling of being trapped, a loss of independence, depression, skin breakdown, pneumonia and constipation.
River Park Gardens assumes no responsibility for the loss or damage of personal possessions, including money, jewelry, glasses, dentures and hearing aids. This applies to personal mobility equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers and canes. We advise you NOT to store any cash, valuable jewelry or important documents anywhere in your room. Any loss or theft/damage of personal property is not covered under our insurance policy. You may wish to purchase your own insurance policy to cover your personal items similar to that purchased for people living in apartments.
In order to reduce the risk of loss or damage to personal items, staff will:
- Document on the Resident’s chart during admission whether the resident has glasses, hearing aids, dentures and / or mobility aids.
- Ensure denture cups and eyeglass cases are clearly labeled.
- Use a container labeled with the resident’s name for hearing aids.
What Residents and Families can do to help:
- Advise staff when bringing in clothes or equipment to allow for labelling.
- Check with your hearing aid vendor if there is an attachment available that can be placed on the hearing aid to prevent loss.
- Families may claim replacement item as a tax decuction.
- Some manufacturers will cover the loss of an item for a specified period of time.
In Case of Fire
We ask Residents, family members and other visitors to familiarize themselves with all fire exits and fire alarm pull stations. Fire exits are located at both ends of each House on each floor and illuminated with EXIT signs. We take the threat of fire seriously and continually train our staff in emergency procedures.
When a fire alarm sounds:
- Please follow instructions from staff members and stay where you are until further notice
- Do not attempt to use the elevators or stairways, or to transport residents your own.
- When the alarm sounds, the emergency doors close automatically. Only emergency services personnel and designated River Park Gardens’ staff members will be allowed to pass through these doors.
- A mock evacuation is held with the Residents annually.
Falls Risk / Skin Health
Have you spotted the Blue Star and Maple Leaf Logos?
All residents are screened for risk factors related to skin health and risk for breakdown/ pressure injuries. Those who are screened as high risk will have the blue star logo in place to ensure staff are aware and ensure interventions to prevent skin breakdown/pressure injuries are maintained, and the nurse will ensure daily skin assessments are completed.

All residents are screened for risk for falls. Those Residents who are screened as high risk for falls will have the red leaf logo in place to ensure staff/volunteers are aware of the high risk for falls and that interventions to decrease the risk/prevent falls happens.