Your Care Team
Resident Care – Many people will be assisting you and your families as you settle into life at River Park Gardens. During the first few days and weeks, you will meet many new faces that make up your care team. As your health-care team, we are committed to providing quality health care that promotes the dignity and well-being of those we serve. We provide care, treatment, and services in a way that respects, and fosters your dignity, autonomy, positive self-regard, rights and involvement in care. Our practices are based on established standards.
Director of Care – The Director of Care facilitates the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of Resident and support services. The Director is directly accountable to the Executive Director, Health Services WRHA. In accordance with the PCH's mission, vision, values; objectives, policies and procedures; Manitoba Health standards; Accreditation Canada standards; and professional nursing standards assumes overall direction and responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the facility.
Clinical Services Coordinator – The Clinical Services Coordinator is a member of the River Park Gardens management team. The role includes: Educator, New Staff Orientation, Infection Control, Manitoba Health Standards, Wound Care, Innovation and Quality Projects. The Clinical Services Coordinator will also liaison with Residents and families, front line support and mentoring, and whatever is needed to help ensure the Residents’ receive excellent care. Attending Physician works closely with nurses and other health professionals to assess your wellbeing and works with you to meet your needs. All required medications will be rescribed by your physician and administered by the nursing staff. Your attending physician will consult with other medical specialist and order diagnostic tests (like bloodwork or Xrays) as required.
Nurse Practitioner (NP): The Nurse Practitioner works closely with nurses and other health professionals to assess your wellbeing and works with you to meet your needs. NP prescribes all required medications, consults with other medical specialists and orders diagnostic tests (like bloodwork or X-rays) as required. NP works in collaboration with Residents and families to ensure the best possible care.
Pharmacist – The Pharmacist ensures that Residents receive the right medications in an appropriate manner and also takes part in ongoing medication reviews with your physician and nurses.
Nurses: Nursing staff are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, working together to deliver direct, Resident-focused care and are the center of all planning and decision-making activities related to care delivery. Nursing lead their teams to ensure care delivery is provided with resident and family input. The Nursing staff coordinates and communicates to ensure the provision of quality resident care. They are also your link to other services provided by additional members of the health-care team such as vision-screening or dental care.
Health Care Aides: Health Care Aides assist you with your activities of daily living such as dressing, transferring to and from your bed or chair, bathing, grooming, toileting and meals. These staff members also provide reassurance and support and encourage you to attend programs. They assist you with your plan of care that has been jointly developed by yourself, your family and the Care Team.
Students: Students train at River Park Gardens. You and your family may meet students who are assigned to work with our own staff as part of their educational experience. Such students are fully supervised and will be introduced to you if they play any part in your care. Registered Dietitian/Food Service Manager consults with you and your family about your food preferences and nutritional needs and assists you to plan your meals. On admission a nutritional assessment will be completed for each resident and then annually and as needed.
Speech Language Pathologist (SLP): The SLP assesses Residents who have difficulties with communication and/or swallowing. This service is available on a consultant basis only. The Dietitian or Nurse will consult the Speech Language Pathologist by way of a referral and the SLP will arrange to visit you at River Park Gardens.
Social Worker: The Social Worker is a member of the management team at River Park Gardens. Social Work is available to provide professional services for you and your support system, recognizing that a move to a long-term care facility can be an anxious and stressful time. Social work is able to assist with support and education, as well as providing a link to agencies and community resources. As a Resident advocate, the social worker can assist with problem-solving and communication and will plan care conferences with your healthcare team to create an individualized care plan that includes the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of your care.
Spiritual Care Advisor: River Park Gardens is committed to meeting the religious and spiritual needs of our Residents. The Spiritual Care Worker will coordinate services and spiritual care visits with the residents. Residents and families of River Park Gardens may also arrange for their own clergy to visit. During difficult times, Residents and families may request a referral to a Spiritual Care Person. Please discuss such needs with your Nurse.

Recreation: Recreation offers you the chance to experience and take part in recreation and leisure activities based on your needs and interests and those of your neighbors. We are always looking for new ways to make Residents feel comfortable and "at home" at River Park Gardens. Through Therapeutic Recreation we provide a variety of programs to keep you active and meet new friends. After you move into River Park Gardens, a Recreation Facilitator will visit you to discuss recreation and leisure options, including both group and individual activities that promote many aspects such as mental and physical wellbeing. The Recreation Facilitator assigned to your house will help you to take part in activities of your choice, including creative arts and music programs, church services,
concerts and other special events. You will find a monthly calendar of activities posted outside the Recreation Room on the main floor, in the lounge area by the dining room and posted in your room. Upon request, reception would be happy to print a copy for you. Your family members are welcome to attend social programs with you, provided that space is available. We invite any suggestions that you or family might have.
Volunteers: River Park Gardens Volunteers are a valuable resource consisting of people who have committed time and energy to improving the quality of life for our Residents. Our volunteers are here to assist you in making living here enjoyable by spend time visiting, visiting with pets, assisting with meals and recreational programs.
Food Service Attendants: Food Service Attendants are on hand in the dining room to serve your food with the assistance of the nursing staff. The staff are available to help you to select your food and have an enjoyable mealtime experience.
Housekeeping Attendants: Housekeeping Attendants ensure that your room and surrounding areas stay safe, clean and tidy.
Occupational Therapist (OT) – OTs assists Residents to maintain their highest possible level of functioning when it comes to activities of daily living. This person provides assessments, prescribes seating and mobility devices and various assistive devices for daily activities such as bathing, eating and dressing. The OT may also recommend changes to hand splints and orthotics (shoe inserts). Our Occupational Therapy services are supplied through an external provider known as Community Therapy Services for one day per week.
Physiotherapist (PT): Physiotherapy is a hired private service that residents and families can choose to add to their care plan. Services are supplied through an external provider.
Hairstylist: Beauty and Barber Shop is an onsite and located on the main floor which provides a range of hairdressing services. The Beauty and Barber Shop is wheelchair accessible and open for appointments. To arrange an appointment please call extension 2250.