Your Home
River Park Gardens is an 80 bed Long Term Care facility. It is located in the southeast area of Winnipeg on the south side of Bishop Grandin Boulevard on St. Anne's Road. It is surrounded on two sides by the scenic Seine River and faces onto St. Anne's Road. River Park Gardens has been designed with four Resident Home Units split onto two floors. We have chosen to call each Resident home unit a House and a single House is composed of 20 single rooms with bathrooms.
Your House
To assist Residents and visitors find their way around, each House has its own name; 1st floor – Assiniboine River and Red River & 2nd floor – LaSalle River, Seine River. Each house has its own unique picture-symbol that also serves as a visual "landmark". Each House has its own dining room, television, kitchenette and quiet room. Beside the door to each Resident room is a glassed-in memory box. This cabinet can be filled with items that reflect the Resident's life history favorite objects, photos, and mementos which also assist Residents in locating their rooms more easily.
Your Room
We understand that a bedroom can become one’s sanctuary. It is our hope that you will decorate it to represent you while meeting your needs. We provide a hospital bed and linens, a nightstand, a dresser/closet set, and a large desk area for your use. There is a private washroom in each room.
If you find that your room has not been cleaned to your satisfaction, please contact the Housekeeping Supervisor or inform the office of your concern. If any repairs are required, please inform your nurse or the receptionist.
Your Call Bell
The call bells are located beside your bed and in your washroom area so you can let the nursing staff know you need assistance. Residents and visitors can also use the call bell located to alert staff to any emergency situation.
Small Electrical Appliances
Some Residents bring along portable radios, record or tape players, DVD players, or other small appliances. These must be checked by our Maintenance staff to ensure that they are safe and in good repair. For information, please contact the nurse on your house.

Cable Television and Internet
All rooms in River Park Gardens are wired for cable services. Currently, River Park Gardens has a bulk agreement with Shaw TV Services. There is no hook up fee for cable and the cost is monthly. Upon admission if you are interested cable will be arranged for you. The monthly charge will be processed to the Resident's personal expense account. If access to internet services is desired the Resident or family member/advocate must contact a service provider of their choice.

Your Telephone
Each room allows for a telephone hook-up. You may arrange to have a private phone in your room through service provider of your choice. Please inform the service provider if you need a special phone with extra-large buttons or an amplifier for the hearing impaired.
Mail Delivery
Mail is delivered directly to your room. Family and friends should be informed to include your name and room number on the
envelope. The mailing address is:
Name, Room Number
River Park Gardens
735 St. Anne's Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2N 0C4