Clothing and Laundry
Clothing – We recommend that Residents have a supply of clothing; enough to last at least seven days and nights including some outer garments. Clothing should be comfortable and easy to put on and take off. Closet space is limited. If possible, please make arrangements to keep one season's worth of clothing in the room (warm weather clothes in late spring/summer/early autumn months, cold weather clothes in late autumn/winter/early spring months).
Laundry and Dry Cleaning – A laundry service for personal laundry is provided in the facility by our Laundry Department. Facility bed linens are sent out for laundering by an external provider. All clothes will be labeled to ensure prompt return after laundering or in case they are misplaced. River Park Gardens offers a labeling service for a nominal amount and prorated on an annual basis. Clothing should be sent to the Laundry Department on the day of admission or when new garments are purchased. If an item of clothing is not returned from the laundry, please contact the Receptionist who will relay the message to the
Laundry Department. Any items that require dry cleaning would be the responsibility of the Resident/family.