Medical Services and Your Health
When you first arrive at River Park Gardens, you will undergo an initial assessment. Clinic appointments and consultations with various health professionals may be scheduled if necessary. All River Park Gardens Residents are assigned to receive care from our Attending Physician or Nurse Practitioner. How often the attending Physician or Nurse Practitioner sees you will depend on your individual health needs, so you may not see the attending Physician or Nurse Practitioner every time they visit the facility. The physician has a call system to ensure that a doctor is available to assist nursing staff at all times. If you have a concern about your medical care, please ask your Nurse.
Taking Your Medications
All of your medications are obtained through MediSystems. If you are taking over the counter medications (pain medication, cold remedies, herbal remedies, vitamins, laxatives, and other over the counter products), please notify your Nurse on admission, as there could be potential adverse interactions with the medications that your physician prescribes. If your Physician/Nurse Practitioner determines that you should remain on these medications, the medications will be ordered through MediSystems and will be given to you along with your other medications. The nursing staff will keep track of all your prescribed medications and ensure that you receive the right dose at the right times.
Flu shots are recommended in the late fall and early winter months for you, your family and volunteers. Residents receive their flu shots from the nursing staff.
Manitoba X Ray - provides portable x-ray services based on orders and clinical information. Any other imaging services if ordered, will be arranged through your Nurse.
Laboratory Services - are provided as needed by our laboratory provider.
Diagnostic Imaging - If more complex imaging tests are required such as a CT scan, EKG or MRI, you will be taken outside the facility for the test. The Nurse will make arrangements for these external tests and you, and your family will be notified of the date and time of the appointment.
Temporary Transfer
If your medical condition changes and you require acute medical care, arrangements will be made for you to be transferred to hospital. If this becomes necessary, you and your family will be consulted and advised about the available options. Depending on your situation such a transfer may be temporary
and after treatment you will be transferred back to River Park Gardens to your room.
Medical Leave
As a River Park Gardens Resident if you require hospitalization your room remains for you at the facility. While you are in hospital you will continue to pay your regular room charges.