Personal Care Services
Personal Hygiene – We encourage Residents to be involved in their care plan, which includes personal hygiene needs. Residents are bathed or showered with assistance on a weekly scheduled basis. In addition, a daily wash and extra sponge baths are given with assistance from the HCA.

Specialized Care
Dental Care – For more information please discuss with your unit nurse. Please note for outside appointments you will be responsible for the escort
and transportation cost.
Foot Care Service – Often specialized foot care services are required for the care of older adults' feet and are essential for comfort and mobility. Arrangements can be made for an appointment by contacting the nurse. A private fully qualified Foot Care Service provider will fulfill the service and fees are charged to the trust account.
Pet Visits – We recognize that a special bond exists between people and their pets, unfortunately Residents cannot bring their own animals to live at River Park Gardens. However, Residents can have pets visit the facility if done so in a way that respects other Residents and staff. Before a pet can visit River Park Gardens you must register the animal with us and provide support documentation from a veterinarian showing it is in good health and has all necessary immunizations. For more information, contact Reception.