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Patient & Public Resources

Reports & Publications
The WRHA publishes a number of reports and publications for public distribution including some regular publications and our Annual Report.

Hospital Stays and Discharge Planning
Providing clarity on what to expect during your stay and how to prepare for discharge.

Guidelines for hospital visitors
Care teams will work together with patients and family members to consider individual circumstances, in accordance with the provincial guidelines to support decisions on case-by-case exceptions.

Treatment Options for COVID-19
Treatment options for COVID-19 are now available, by referral, for patients who meet the required criteria.

Access & Privacy
As part of receiving or providing health care services at a site within the WRHA; we only collect, use and disclose your personal information and personal health information as permitted by The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) and The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). These Acts require the WRHA to protect the privacy of your information. WRHA has made this a priority.

Health Equity
The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority is committed to building partnerships, exchanging ideas and working with community stakeholders to close health gaps.

Quality & Patient Safety
The work of Quality Improvement and Patient Safety is about looking for opportunities to improve just as much as it is about making the improvements themselves. Patient safety is a journey that we undertake in the Winnipeg health region with the destination constantly changing with every step forward we take.

The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA) became law in December, 2013, and applies to all organizations that provide goods and services, including the WRHA. The AMA includes five main standards: customer service, employment, information and communication, transportation and built environment. All these standards must be complied with by 2023.

Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)
Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) is available throughout Manitoba and is coordinated provincially by Shared Health. A provincial medical assistance in dying team is available to help patients access this service. Patients may speak with their health care provider or local health authority or directly contact the provincial MAiD team regarding accessing medical assistance in dying in their region.

Advance Care Planning
Advance care planning is a way to help you think about, talk about and share your thoughts and wishes about future health care. It gives you a “voice” in decision making, helps you determine who would communicate for you if you are unable to communicate for yourself and should include conversations with your health-care team.

Public & Patient Engagement
For over 17 years, members of the public, patients, and family members have been involved in sharing their experiences, opinions, and ideas about health care services and overall strategies. Engagement refers to actively seeking out the insights and advice of our most important stakeholders - community members, patients, residents, clients, and their families.

Practical Matters (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Following the loss of a loved one, there are many things one needs to do including dealing with financial and legal matters. This can be challenging when you are grieving. This booklet is intended to help with bereavement as well as logistics following the loss of a loved one.

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