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Public Education events aim to help older adults find Support Services

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
Published Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The WRHA is launching a series of in-person and online public information events aimed at improving awareness and access to available programs and services for older adults.

Navigating the complex health care system – knowing who to call and what services are available – can be challenging. "Knowing where to turn to for help for supports and services, especially as Manitobans and their family members get older, is fundamentally important," says Uzoma Asagwara, Minister of Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care. "We want to make sure everyone has access to the services that will help them remain in their homes as long as they wish."

To help address those gaps, the WRHA is partnering with specific community organizations to offer information on the System Navigators that offer insight into a variety of health and social services available to older adults. "One of the things people working in the health care system hear regularly is that people need more information to proactively maintain their well-being as they get older," says Eve Omar, Director of Health Services for ACCESS Winnipeg West.

These public education events are designed to introduce the System Navigators who help older adults find programs and services to manage their well-being. System Navigatorsare the go-to resource finders who stay up-to-date on the programs and services that support independent living.

By the end of each session, participants should be able to find system navigators that can connect them to community resources, reflect on questions related to their health and well-being and explore topics that should be discussed with family or caregivers regarding their future care needs.

Sessions are scheduled as followed:

  • Monday, November 20th - 1:30pm-3pm
    Fort Rouge Leisure Centre, 625 Osborne St.
    In-person (registration is almost full) or virtual option
  • Tuesday November 28th - 1:30pm-3pm
    Bruce Oake Recovery Centre, 255 Hamilton Ave.
    In-person only

This is a chance for the public to learn more about the services available to them and ask direct questions about their options for the future. Experts from a number of location organizations will be available at the sessions including: 

  • 211 Manitoba
  • Age & Opportunity: Support Services for Older Adults
  • Seniors Resource Finders
  • Canadian Mental Health Association
  • WRHA Indigenous Health
  • Family Doctor Finder Manitoba

"Our goal is to help people live safely and independently in their homes if that's what they choose, for as long as they can," says Omar. "When provided an option of where people would like to age, most elect to live independently for as long as possible with appropriate community supports in place. Providing the public with this information will help them do just that."

Registration is required for both sessions. Participants can register online or by phone at: 431-294-1428.

For those who can't attend either session, the virtual session will be available on demand on Facebook and Youtube.

A French language session will follow in 2024.