Home » Access & Privacy » The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) » Who else can see your information

Who else can see your information

PHIA permits us to collect and use your personal health information and, in certain circumstances, to share it with others both inside and outside the WRHA, without your consent for purposes such as:

  • To provide you with health care;
  • To get payment for your care which could include private insurers;
  • To do health system planning and research; and
  • To report as required by law.

Unless you tell us not to, we can:

  • Share your general health status with your family, friends and others upon request. If we believe it would be acceptable to you, we may also share information about the care you are currently receiving with your family and friends.
  • Share your name, general health status and location when you are receiving care in one of our facilities with a representative of a religious organization.
  • Share your name and address with a charitable fundraising foundation associated with a WRHA facility you have received care in.
  • Share your personal health information with any health care provider who has, is or will be providing you with health care.  Members of your health care team are only allowed access to the information they need to provide you with the care you need.  If you tell us not to share your information with a specific health care provider, we will not share your information with that provider unless permitted or required by law to do so.

Please tell a member of your health care team if you do not want your information shared with a family member or friend, or a religious organization, fundraising foundation or health care provider.

All WRHA employees and those associated with the WRHA are required to protect the accuracy, integrity and security of your information and are required to sign a pledge of confidentiality. The WRHA has policies and procedures that provide protection of your information and conducts continued training to employees and all others associated with our Region.

If you want to know more about your right to see, get a copy or ask for a correction of your personal health information or your privacy rights under PHIA, or have a complaint about your rights, please contact the Privacy Officer located at the site where you are receiving health care services.

We suggest that you first try to resolve any complaint about access to or privacy of your personal health information directly with the site or the Office of the WRHA Chief Privacy Officer.  If you are still not satisfied that your complaint has been resolved, you have the right to complain to the Manitoba Ombudsman, an independent authority who can investigate your complaint.