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Deer Lodge Centre

2109 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3J 0L3
Tel: 204-837‐1301
Fax: 204-889‐0430

Deer Lodge Centre is a 418 bed Rehabilitation and Long Term Care facility that provides a variety of inpatient, outpatient, residential and outreach programs.

Deer Lodge Centre (DLC) as part of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority provides health services to adults with complex needs in the areas of Rehabilitation, Chronic Care, Dementia Care, Mental Health and Bariatrics.  The programs and services offered at DLC support the needs of clients in a variety of care settings including inpatient programming, outpatient clinics and residential care.  DLC has a long and proud history of caring and an ongoing commitment to the health care needs of Canadian Forces and Veterans.

Long Term Care Access Centre
The Long Term Care Access Centre is responsible for scheduling panel dates, ensuring clients have access to long term care services that are most appropriate to their needs and maintaining waiting lists for personal care homes/long term care programs.
Contact the Long Term Care Access Centre at 204-940-8670.

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