Home » Long Term Care » Actionmarguerite (Saint-Boniface)

Actionmarguerite (Saint-Boniface)

185 Despins Street
Winnipeg, MB R2H 2B3
Tel: 204-233‐3692
Fax: 204-233‐6803

Actionmarguerite (Saint‐Boniface), is a 309 bed designated bilingual long term care facility providing a range of services to adults with physical and complex health needs, adults suffering from dementia and related complex behaviours. Owned by the Catholic Health Corporation of Manitoba, the home was established by the Grey Nuns in 1935 as Centre hospitalier Taché Nursing Centre and has commonly been known as Taché Centre. Its mandate is to serve Winnipeg’s Francophone population and residents of St. Boniface (within the provincial constituency of St. Boniface). Community Programs such as Respite Care, Adult Day and Supportive Housing Programs are also available.

Long Term Care Access Centre
The Long Term Care Access Centre is responsible for scheduling panel dates, ensuring clients have access to long term care services that are most appropriate to their needs and maintaining waiting lists for personal care homes/long term care programs.
Contact the Long Term Care Access Centre at 204-940-8670.

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