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Winnipeg Integrated Services

The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) and Manitoba Family Services and Housing (FSH) have been working together on an integration of health and social services. The project is referred to as Winnipeg Integrated Services.

The vision of integrated community-based and social services is to provide efficient, effective and holistic services which are person or family focussed and recognize the principles of population health and primary health care.

Part of the integration of services is the creation of access models. Three of these models have already been announced. One in each of the River East, Transcona and Inkster areas.

An Access model is a provincially funded site that will provide community-based, integrated health and social services. Each model will offer a broad range of services that reflect the needs of the communities they serve. Where services are not available within Access, the public will be referred to related community resources. Access will provide a one-stop source of information to the community and will support community activity and development.

The WRHA, Manitoba Family Services and Housing and Manitoba Health are committed to working with communities to ensure that citizens are involved in decisions that affect their lives. In each community, there will be opportunities for citizens to express their opinions about Access as it is developed in their area. Watch for information about public consultation in your community.

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