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In June 2000 the Midwifery and Consequential Amendments Act was proclaimed making midwifery services available to women in Manitoba. There is no cost for this service. Midwifery care offers another choice for women and their babies.

Who are midwives?

Midwives are trained health care professionals who provide prenatal, labour and birth, and postpartum care. They are trained to identify problems or complications and can provide emergency treatment until additional assistance is available. All practicing midwives must be registered with the College of Midwives of Manitoba.

Midwives respect and support each woman’s right to make choices about her care, caregiver and place of birth.

What is midwifery care?

Midwifery care includes quality health care, education, counseling and support for childbearing women. Pregnancy is viewed as a state of health and childbirth as a normal process. The midwife works with each woman and her family to identify their unique physical, social and emotional needs.

Midwives provide care to women throughout pregnancy and birth and continue to care for both mother and baby for six weeks after the baby’s birth. They also provide well woman care and family planning services to their client after she has her baby.

Under midwifery care, a woman does not need to see a doctor unless there is a medical condition that requires a doctor’s care. Midwives consult and work together with other health care professionals when necessary.

What services do midwives offer?

Pregnancy Care

  • Comprehensive prenatal care at home or in clinic
  • All necessary prenatal testing (blood work, ultrasound, etc.)

During Birth:

  • Choice of hospital, home or Birth Centre
  • Care and support during labour and birth

After the Baby is Born:

  • Breastfeeding support
  • Care for mother and baby in home or clinic for six weeks after birth
  • Early parenting education

Other Services:

  • Prescribe and administer certain drugs
  • Order certain tests
  • Admit to hospital
  • Consult with physicians and other health care professionals when needed
  • Complementary therapies related to pregnancy, birth and postpartum care

Contact a midwife

Women can choose a midwife without referral from another health care professional. Call 204-947-2422 (ext 307) to get more information to help you decide if this type of care is the best choice for you.

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