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Community Mental Health Worker

The WRHA Community Mental Health Service includes a range of services that support adults experiencing mental health problems. Services are designed to support people in their recovery to live successfully within their communities.

What services does the Community Mental Health Worker offer?

The role of a Community Mental Health Worker includes:

  • Case Management, which is: assessing individual needs, planning for service, and providing suitable intervention(s)
  • Supportive counseling
  • Assisting individuals who are experiencing crisis, including prevention of crisis
  • Rehabilitation services such as: working with individuals to design a service plan to reach their life goals
  • Promoting mental health and supporting prevention strategies in the community area

Who is eligible for a Community Mental Health Worker?

  • Resident of the Winnipeg Region, eighteen (18) years of age or older
  • Diagnosed with a major psychiatric disorder such as schizophrenia, major affective disorders, psychotic disorders, personality disorders, as well as, co-occurring substance use disorders
  • Experience a severe and persistent functional impairment that limits major life activities in one or more areas including home, work, school or social network
  • Lacks appropriate professional supports to meet clinical and functional needs

How do I apply for a Community Mental Health Worker?

An individual or family member can apply by calling the WRHA Central Intake at 204-788-8330, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Your Service Provider can assist you to apply for Community Mental Health Services.