Smart Pick

The Smart Pick Program is a healthier vending program designed to help customers easily identify healthier snacks and beverages in vending machines. It was developed by a registered dietitian, contracted by the Canadian Automatic Merchandising Association, and is accessible to member vending companies across Canada.

Smart Pick snacks meet the following nutrition criteria per package:

  • 250 calories or less
  • 10 g of total fat or less (nuts and seeds exempt)
  • 0 g of trans fat
  • 15 g of sugar or less (fruit without added sugar exempt)If you see less than 20% of the products in the vending machines at your site filled with Smart Pick compliant products, ask Quality Vending or your vending supplier to increase this percentage to at least 20%.
  • 250 mg of sodium or less

As part of the Healthy Eating Environments Guideline Phase 1, 20% of the snacks in WRHA vending machines are Smart Pick snacks, and will gradually increase to 50% as sales and customer demand grow. Buy Smart Pick snacks to support this program and increase demand!

Smart Pick Logo

Snacks are identified with the Smart Pick logo – an apple with a checkmark. Look for some of the following Smart Pick snacks in vending machines at your WRHA site!

  • Martin’s Apple Chips
  • Harvest Snaps Snapea Crisps
  • Vitali-t Lightly Salted Pistachios
  • KIND bars

For WRHA sites:

If you find products that are labelled incorrectly, notify the HEEG team ([email protected]a) and your site’s vending supplier so they can correct it. Errors undermine consumer confidence in the Smart Pick program, so it is important that products are labelled correctly. Examples of incorrect labelling:

  • non-Smart Pick compliant products labelled with the Smart Pick logo
  • Smart Pick compliant products that are not labelled with the logo