What is PPROM?
PPROM occurs when the membrane around the baby, also called the bag of waters, breaks before 37 weeks gestation. Women with PPROM experience a trickle or gush of fluid from their vagina. Fluid continues to leak in differing amounts until delivery.
After PPROM occurs, women are at risk for:
- Infection
- Preterm labour and birth
- Umbilical cord prolapse
Some of the symptoms that women with PPROM may experience are:
Signs of infection including:
- Temperature above 38 degrees C or 100 degrees F
- A resting pulse rate above 100 beats per minute
- A tender or painful abdomen
- Foul smelling vaginal discharge
- A change in the colour of vaginal discharge from clear or straw coloured
- Feeling unwell or, like you have the flu
Signs of preterm labour including:
- Uterine contractions every 10 minutes or less (6 or more per hour)
- Menstrual like cramps (these may be constant or come and go)
- Low dull backache
- Pelvic pressure (the feeling that the baby is pushing down - this may come and go)
- Abdominal cramping (with or without diarrhea)
- A change or increase in vaginal discharge
Signs that cord prolapse may have occurred:
- A feeling of pressure or "something" in the vagina or between the legs
- The cord looks like a shiny white and blue twisted rope. This is an emergency - call 911
- Ensure your door is open for the paramedics
- Get into a "knee-chest" position to prevent pressure on the cord (see diagram)