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Staff Training and Learning

Health Equity: What is it Anyway? This interactive workshop for regional managers and directors aims to create discussion and provide information on promoting health equity in the Winnipeg Health Region. By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to define key health equity concepts; identify factors that have an impact on health and well-being; discuss how health equity is being promoted in the Winnipeg Health Region; and identify actions to promote health equity. Registration for the course is available on Manitoba eHealth Learning Management Systems.

Health Equity: What can I do? This interactive workshop helps participants identify and implement concrete actions to promote health equity in the Winnipeg Health Region. Recognizing that health equity is a multi-faceted, complex goal with no simple solution, participants work through a comprehensive case study using available tools to assess the situation, identify barriers, and outline a plan. Registration for the course is available on Manitoba eHealth Learning Management Systems.

Health for All: Discussion with WRHA Programs, Sites & Teams (PPT, 11 MB) These presentation slides and speaking notes provide an introduction of health equity concepts for WRHA programs and sites. The slide set includes discussion questions to support teams and staff explore and identify their contributions to promote health equity. Leaders are encouraged to share the information as an entire 20-minute presentation or select content to incorporate into existing meetings or events.

EQUIP Health Care This program of research is sharing knowledge about equity-oriented care with health care providers and organizations, to support them to adopt equity-oriented practices and provide the best possible care to their patients. The website offers a variety of resources including a toolkit and free online learning modules.

The National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (NCCDH) is a national organization that provides the Canadian public health community with knowledge and resources to take action on the social determinants of health.

  • Visit the NCCDH Resource Library to find Canadian and international resources and tools to support health equity action.
  • Start a dialogue about health equity in your team with the NCCDH Let's Talk series.

Application + Action: TRC Reading Guide For Non-Indigenous Organizations (2018) This tool kit is a guide for non-Indigenous organizations to read and apply the TRC report. The primary goal of the toolkit is to support non-Indigenous organizations in situating themselves in the context of ongoing oppressive systems and build the capacity of service providers who are interested in dismantling those systems. This toolkit will be most helpful for organizations that have a clear understanding of social justice, the social determinants of health, systemic discrimination and anti-oppression.

Della: Hurdles to Health (2012) This video was created by the Saskatoon Health Region. The film follows the life of a woman and her family in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan but it is a story that could easily be experienced in Winnipeg. The film provides a glimpse into the family’s daily struggles as a working poor family and illustrates how poverty affects health and wellbeing.