Living Better Program
Eating Well Supports Mental Health
What is the Living Better Program?
- Living Better is a community program for individuals with mental health concerns.
- It is five sessions that can be delivered in person or virtually.
- Each session includes activities and information on nutrition, general well-being, physical activity, and social interaction. These sessions are based on the 2019 Canada's Food Guide.
- There is a growing body of evidence linking diet with mental health.
- Food and nutrition can play a role in the prevention, development, and management of specific mental health problems.
Who can benefit from the Living Better Program?
- Community agencies or individuals that provide ongoing mental health support could benefit from offering the Living Better program.
- People living with mental health problems such as depression, schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and Alzheimer's disease might benefit from participating in this program.
How to access the program?
Contact your community area public health dietitian to learn more; find out if a program is being offered near you or how to become a Living Better facilitator.