Well4U Evaluation Thank you for participating in Well4U. This short evaluation is to learn about your experience with this program. Your input will assist us in improving our services. The survey will take just a few minutes of your time. Please answer the following questions. There is space for any additional comments at the end.1. How satisfied are you with the information provided in the Well4U program?(Required) Extremely satisfied Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not at all satisfied 2. What did you like the most about Well4U?3. How could we improve Well4U?4. Please check which modules you accessed information from, whether completely, or in part:(Required)Check all that apply Module 1: Well4U Essentials Module 2: Wellbeing Module 3: Sleep Module 4: Stress Module 5: Nutrition & Weight Module 6: Movement, Smoking, Alcohol & Other Substances Module 7: Goal Setting 5. Did you access any resources provided?(Required) Yes No 6. If yes, were they helpful?(Required) Yes No Please explain:7. Was Well4U easy to access?(Required) Yes No Please explain:8. How important is making a change to improve your health? (1 being not important at all and 10 being very important)(Required)1 – Not at all important2345678910 – Very important9. Compared to before you started Well4U, has your confidence and readiness to make a change to improve your health increased, decreased or stayed the same?(Required)IncreasedDecreasedNo ChangeConfidence to make a changeReadiness to make a change10. Compared to before you started Well4U, has your confidence and readiness to be more active increased, decreased or stayed the same?(Required)IncreasedDecreasedNo ChangeConfidence to make a changeReadiness to make a change11. Would you recommend this program to others?(Required) Yes No 12. Is there anything else you'd like to share about your experience with Well4U ?Please tell us a little about yourself:(Required) Female Male Non-binary Prefer not to answer Age:(Required) Under 21 years 21-39 years 40-69 years 70+ years Prefer not to answer First 3 letters of your postal code:(Required)Which ethnic group(s) best describes you?(Required)Check all that apply Asian Black Hispanic Indigenous White/Caucasian Other Prefer not to answer If you selected "Other," please specify:CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Back to the Well4U Homepage