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Cardiac Rehabilitation

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What is Cardiac Rehabilitation?

Cardiac Rehabilitation is the next step to maintain your heart health for people who have had any type of heart disease, heart surgery, peripheral artery disease, or other heart conditions. This program helps people gain the skills and confidence needed to get back to everyday life and achieve a heart-healthy lifestyle.

Who should take it? Anyone with a history of:

  • Heart attack
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Heart failure
  • Angina
  • Cardiomyopathy (disease of the heart muscle)
  • Certain congenital heart diseases
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery
  • Valve replacements
  • Certain abnormal heart rhythms
  • Peripheral artery disease

How will it help /or what are proven benefits? Cardiac rehabilitation can help with:

  • Lowering cholesterol levels
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Improving energy levels
  • Losing inches off the waistline
  • Reducing worry and help with mood
  • Improving sleep

During this 16-week program you will:

  • Engage in physical activity that is the right level for you in a safe environment with trained staff;
  • Work on your personal health goals to improve your heart health; and
  • Build your confidence to manage symptoms, medications and health care needs including difficult emotions that sometimes arise.

Our team of Medical/Fitness professionals includes doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, kinesiologists, dietitians, psychologist and social workers who work together to support your individual rehabilitation journey.

Program Options

Onsite Program options - Group based exercise and education programs

Cardiac Rehab @ Home - When going to a site-based program is not an option the cardiac rehabilitation education and exercise coaching is available to you by phone, video or email with additional supports through online educational modules and virtual classes.

Programs and information session are offered daytime and evenings, on a regular intake.

What’s involved?

A referral from your doctor or nurse practitioner is required. The program has a small fee for the four month program that enables full access to the facility and services. Financial help may be provided based on individual need. Some extended health insurance plans cover all or part of the fee. You can ask your doctor to contact one of the sites below:

Reh-Fit Centre
1390 Taylor Ave.
204-928-7878 ext 308

Wellness Institute at Seven Oaks General Hospital
1075 Leila Ave.