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Early Cognitive Change Clinic for Older Adults (ECCCOA)

ECCCOA is a program for assessment and group intervention for older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and their family member/significant other (i.e., “program partner”).

The ASSESSMENT process involves one 2.5-hour visit in which the patient is evaluated by a Clinical Neuropsychologist and the patient’s program partner (usually a family member or friend) meets with a Clinical Geropsychologist. A feedback session will be held within two to three weeks of the assessment to review the assessment results and discuss eligibility for the Memory Partners group. After participating in the neuropsychological assessment, some patients will be diagnosed with memory problems that are more or less severe than Mild Cognitive Impairment. In this case, patients will not be eligible for the Memory Partners group; instead, alternate individualized recommendations will be provided to the patient and family. Support and education for family members are also provided as needed.

The INTERVENTION process, Memory Partners, is a group program for patients diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment based on the ECCCOA assessment. It consists of 6 weekly 2-hour group sessions involving the patient with Mild Cognitive Impairment and his/her program partner. During the Covid-19 pandemic, these groups are being held via Zoom videoconference. The sessions emphasize education regarding MCI, memory, and mood. Participants will also learn practical cognitive and lifestyle strategies to improve everyday memory and help maintain brain health.

Who should be referred to ECCCOA?

Patients aged 60 years and older with memory complaints (by self-report or family member report)

MMSE ≥ 26 or MOCA ≥ 19 within last 6 months (as individuals with dementia are unlikely to benefit from the Partners in Memory group, referrals for patients with a MOCA score < 19 will not be accepted to the ECCCOA waiting list, even if the MMSE is ≥ 26)

If the patient is not fluent in English, please indicate this on the referral. In these cases, patients may be redirected to an alternate assessment waiting list.


Wait time for assessment appointments is approximately 12 months. Assessments are held on Monday and Tuesday mornings.

Key Provider(s)

Dr. Lesley Koven
St. Boniface Hospital

Dr. Colleen Millikin
St. Boniface Hospital


St. Boniface Hospital
Phone: 204-237-2979
Fax: 204-237-9243

Referral process

Referrals from health care professionals are required. Click here for the ECCCOA referral form.