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Community Nutrition Educator Program

The Community Nutrition Educator Program is a free service to support community programs and non-profit organizations. The goal of the CNE Program is to enhance community food literacy through peer-to-peer education, skill development, and promotion of healthy food environments.

The Community Nutrition Educator program is offered in both virtual and in-person formats at this time.

Community food literacy is defined as food related knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to choose, grow, prepare, and enjoy healthy food to support one’s health, community, and the environment.

Community Nutrition Educators (CNEs) are trained volunteers who provide reliable, unbiased, and current information on healthy eating and food to the community. CNEs work with a variety of people and groups in all community areas of Winnipeg. Some examples of activities and topics include:

  • Facilitate workshops on topics such as: healthy eating and food skills, grocery shopping, healthy relationships with food, and information about food systems.  
  • Conduct cooking demonstrations with a variety of recipes.

Steps for requesting a CNE volunteer:

The WRHA CNE Program has been in operation since 2014. See the CNE Program Impact Summary for information about its impact in the Winnipeg Health Region.

Private practice dietitians are an excellent resource for fee-for service or corporate events (e.g. workplace wellness) and to provide information on therapeutic diets or diet counselling. Visit our Find a Dietitian page to locate a private practice dietitian.