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Volunteer Opportunities

The WRHA Community Health and Corporate Volunteer Program supports a wide range of health programs and services within the community and corporate services of WRHA. Please note this does not include hospitals or personal care homes as each site has its separate volunteer program. Whether you want to work directly with people receiving health services or contribute your time and talents in other areas, we will effectively match your interests to your WRHA volunteer experience. Many factors are considered when matching volunteers to a placement, including your availability, your interests and skills and our current vacancies.

Winnipeg Health Region Community Areas

LHIG Area Map

The list below indicates the various volunteer opportunities that are offered with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Community Health and Corporate Programs. However, we are only accepting applications at this time based on our current vacancies.

Public and Patient Engagement Groups

  • Members of the public, patients, and family members are involved in sharing their experiences, opinions, and ideas about health care services and overall strategies. For a listing of all the Advisory Groups including the Local Health Involvement Groups (LHIG), click here.

Population and Public Health

Immunization Program

  • Volunteers provide assistance to clients attending the seasonal flu or school based immunization clinics

Healthy Parenting and Early Child Development Programs

  • Volunteers assist at Healthy Baby programs and Breastfeeding Support Groups

Healthy Nutrition

  • Volunteers with a human nutritional sciences/foods and nutrition background assist Community Nutritionists with programming.
  • Community Nutrition Educators are trained volunteers who provide reliable, unbiased and current information on healthy eating and food to the community.  Volunteers are recruited once a year as needed.  Please email [email protected] to be placed on a list to be notified when recruitment is open and applications are being accepted.

Primary Care

  • Volunteers assist as Teen Clinic Peer Educators within our Teen Clinic.  Volunteers are between the ages of 18 and 30 and must successfully complete a minimum of 40 hours of training before performing this role. Volunteers are recruited once a year in May/June of each year.
  • Health Services on  Elgin: Volunteers assist with recreation programming and a congregate meal program at lunchtime.

Services to Seniors

  • Healthy Aging Resource Teams (HART): Volunteers assist an interdisciplinary team with providing services and programming to seniors in the community

Pan Am Clinic

  • Volunteers are Ambassadors and assist with providing directions to clients within the clinic

Breast Health Centre

  • Volunteers assist with welcoming clients to the clinic and assisting them throughout their appointment.

For more specific information on volunteer opportunities, please contact us.

There are many questions that perspective volunteers have before making the decision to volunteer. Click here for answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding volunteering.