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Healthy Built Environment

The term "built environment" refers to "the human-made or modified physical surroundings in which people live, work and play. These places and spaces include our homes, communities, schools, workplaces, parks/recreations areas, business areas and transportation systems, and vary in size from large-scale urban areas to smaller rural developments."

The WRHA Population and Public Health Program works collaboratively with other WRHA sites and programs (e.g. Community Areas and Capital Planning) and other organizations to promote the development of natural and built environments accessible to all in the Winnipeg Health Region that support health, well-being, safety, social interaction, mobility and a sense of pride and cultural identity. Together, we promote a Winnipeg Health Region culture where the role of healthy built and social environments are recognized and valued.

Contact Us

Email the Healthy Built Environment Specialist at: [email protected]


A focus on Healthy Built Environments at the WRHA was initially supported through the Healthy Canada by Design initiative with funding from the Coalition Linking Action and Science for Prevention (CLASP) and support from the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada. Health regions, municipalities, and professional organizations across the country developed research and resources as part of this initiative.

Position Statement

Fact Sheets
