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Healthy Sexuality & Harm Reduction

The HSHR Team works at multiple levels to promote healthy sexuality and harm reduction; to reduce the burden of STBBIs; to diminish other harms associated with sexuality, drug use, and society's response to these practices; and to redress social and health inequities.


  • Provide supplies that keep people safer, including condoms, injection drug use supplies and safer smoking/inhalation equipment
  • Provide education on overdose prevention and response, including free take home naloxone kits to those at risk of overdose
  • Ensure people who have tested positive for chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis C, syphilis and HIV are treated and that their sexual partners are confidentially notified
  • Provide outreach nursing services, including testing and treatment, in the Remand Centre, Manitoba Youth Centre, the Street Connections van and other community places
  • Connect people to health and social services
  • Deliver education to communities and healthcare providers
  • Advocate on healthy sexuality and harm reduction issues

Contact Us

Main Floor, 496 Hargrave St.
Winnipeg MB R3A 0X7
(204) 940-2210

Connect with our mobile service: Street Connections (204-981-0742)

Our van drives around the city every evening except Sunday. We provide nursing services, distribute safer sex and safer drug use supplies, and perform other activities that reduce the spread of STBBIs.

Our schedule sometimes changes, but you can usually find us in the Point Douglas, Downtown, North End, and West End neighbourhoods between 6pm and midnight.

You can also find us during the day from Monday to Friday in our office on the main floor of 496 Hargrave St.


Animal Instincts - A sexuality related campaign aimed at normalizing and destigmatizing condoms, STBBI testing, talking about sexuality and sexual health among sexual partners, and an interactive map of condom distribution locations in Winnipeg.

Syphilis: Yep, it’s still a thing – Awareness campaign related to Winnipeg’s ongoing (2012-present) outbreak of infectious syphilis.


Position Statement

For Health Care Professionals