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Nutrition Promotion

The goal of the Nutrition Promotion program is to promote healthy eating and make the healthy choice the easy choice for people in the Winnipeg Health Region.

What is a Public Health Dietitian?

Public Health Dietitians work with individuals, families, and communities. Through collaboration and partnerships, public health dietitians work to promote health, prevent disease, and help create healthy places and opportunities so that everyone can access affordable, culturally appropriate, healthy food and eat well.  

This is some of the day-to-day work that Public Health Dietitians are involved with:

  • Provide education to families at Healthy Baby and Healthy Start community support programs. Public Health Dietitians also offer free infant nutrition classes to families with new babies.
  • Develop healthy eating guidelines and promote healthy food environments in public spaces. For example, the WRHA Healthy Eating Environments Guideline aims to promote healthy eating in WRHA facilities.
  • Connect agencies and community partners with food and nutrition resources. Public Health Dietitians share information and resources with health staff, the public, and community agencies. They also help connect community agencies with funding opportunities.
  • Support, develop, implement, and/or evaluate nutrition programming, based on needs identified by community partners. Some examples are the Better Access to Groceries program and the Community Nutrition Educator Program.
  • Support community food security initiatives through local community collaboration. Public Health Dietitians engage with community agencies and broader policy work such as the Winnipeg Food Council. Public Health Dietitians are guided by the WRHA's Position Statement on Food Security. For more information on community food security, click here.

Contact Us

WRHA Public Health Dietitians can be reached at:

  • Assiniboine South: 204-940-1725
  • Downtown: 204-806-7031
  • Fort Garry: 204-794-5121
  • Inkster: 204-470-9231
  • Point Douglas: 204-806-7031
  • River East: 204-612-1349
  • River Heights: 204-794-5121
  • Seven Oaks: 204-470-9231
  • St. Boniface: 204-792-0273
  • St. James: 204-940-1725
  • St. Vital: 204-792-0273
  • Transcona: 204-803-8776

Public Health Dietitians do not provide one-on-one nutrition consultations. For food and nutrition related questions, or information about referrals to a registered dietitian, contact your local WRHA Access Centre, Dial-a-Dietitian Manitoba or the College of Dietitians of Manitoba.