PRIME Brochure

  • There are two PRIME Program locations
    • Deer Lodge Centre (DLC)
    • Misericordia Health Centre (MHC) – Open May 2015
  • PRIME is a long term program providing care for seniors age 65 or older in the Winnipeg community with chronic complex problems posing risk of admission to personal care home, emergency departments or hospital
  • PRIME provides maintenance focus for clients who no longer have rehabilitation potential
  • Clients attend the Program one to five times per week
  • Services include primary health care, medical care from a physician and/or nurse practitioner, home care case coordination, assessment and treatment by Nurse, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Social Work, Dietitian, Pharmacy and Recreation Facilitator
  • There is after hours support by a nurse in order to prevent emergency room visits
  • Referrals are accepted from Home Care, Primary Health Care Providers, Hospital Inpatients (when client is discharged home), Geriatric Program Assessment Teams, Geriatric Mental Health Teams, and Day Hospitals. For information or referral call 204-833-1700 WCC-00154 Referral From-PRIME Health Centre for Seniors