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Public & Patient Engagement

What does a good experience in the health care system look like to you? What is most important to you when you are getting care? How can we make sure that our health care system meets the changing needs of people from across Winnipeg? How can we better support people so that they can get care when they need it and have their health needs addressed?

Our health care system works best when we listen to and learn from patients, family members, and the public.  Engagement refers to actively seeking out the insights and advice of our most important stakeholders - you. For over 18 years, members of the public, patients, and family members have been involved in sharing their experiences, opinions, and ideas about health care services and overall strategies.

Here are some of the opportunities to get engaged with us! Click on the links to learn more and for on-line applications.

Local Health Involvement Groups

Community members explore and provide advice on high level health system and policy issues.

Churchill Health Centre – Subarctic Friendship Circle and Traditional Knowledge Keepers

The patient-care model at the Churchill Health Centre is all about community capacity building, life-promotion and healthy living. The majority of community engagement is facilitated through the Subarctic Friendship Circle which is a group of volunteers and staff at the health centre who help to guide decision-making, host programs, and lead wellness initiatives. This is a unique model that simultaneously builds skills and knowledge of both the community and staff.

The Traditional Knowledge Keepers group is set to launch in fall 2020. It is an opportunity for Elders and well-respected community members who have a deep commitment to mentorship and land-based learning. It will be closely linked to the mental health programing at CHC. We are always looking for volunteers to join the Subarctic Friendship Circle and we are currently accepting names for The Knowledge Keepers Group. For more information you can contact Amelia Gamvrelis at [email protected].

Francophone Community Consultations

Every March, in collaboration with Santé en Français and Centre de Santé, a consultation is held with the Francophone community (en Français) on a topic that the Local Health Involvement Groups are exploring. Participants have provided input on health equity, the patient journey, and mental health, addictions, and well-being. Input from the consultations is included in the final report which is presented to the WRHA Board, Executive Council, and the Urban Regional Roundtable. 

Community Development

Community development is all about community members identifying issues that are important to them and working collaboratively to address them. It also includes being involved in developing programs in their own neighbourhoods.  If you would like information about how to get involved in your neighbourhood, please get in touch with one of our community facilitators  based in access centres.  If you are not sure who to contact, please call or email Shelly Smith at [email protected].

Mental Health & Addictions Advisory Council

Clients and family members provide advice to Mental Health & Addictions Recovery Services.

Long Term Care Advisory Council

Residents and family members provide advice to Long Term Care Program.

Home Care & Palliative Care Advisory Council

The WRHA Home Care & Palliative Care Advisory Council (HCPCAC) is made up of individuals with lived experience in relation to Home Care services along with family members and natural supports of a Home Care or Palliative Care client.

Patient and Family Advisors

Patients and family members explore and provide advice on delivery of care issues.

For information on volunteering at the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, visit our volunteer website or contact Sandra Milotte at 204-787-5078 or [email protected].