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Quality Improvement & Patient Safety

A message from the Quality Improvement & Patient Safety Unit:

The work of Quality Improvement and Patient Safety is about looking for opportunities to improve just as much as it is about making the improvements themselves. Patient safety is a journey that we undertake in the Winnipeg health region with the destination constantly changing with every step forward we take. We truly believe that we can achieve a high level of safety by putting the quality of the work we do at the forefront of everyone's mind in the WRHA. Quality is not just about the what ifs that we are always trying to improve on; Instead, as a unit, we try to make it part of everything we do. That is the way we truly impact innovation and change – and ultimately achieve safety for everyone we serve.

What We Do

Client Relations: Receiving and responding to feedback from clients and families.

Patient Safety: Managing of patient safety events and critical incidents to enhance patient care.

Clinical Audits: Examines evidence based standards through collection and analysis of data to guide clinical practice.

Accreditation: An independent review of the quality and safety of services provided.

RL: Web based software for the submission and management of feedback and patient safety events.

Education & Workshops: Provides training to staff around patient safety and quality improvement.

Communications: We would love to hear from you! If you have any questions for the Quality Improvement & Patient Safety unit, please email [email protected].