Patient Safety

The WRHA Patient Safety team develops and supports programs and initiatives with the goal of reducing preventable patient injuries and deaths in the region.

Safe patient care will occur in a culture of honesty, trust, respect and open communication.

The WRHA’s safety event review process

Sometimes something unexpected can happen to a patient, resident or client that has caused them unintended serious harm. When the event is a result of healthcare provided and not due to the individual's illness or the usual risks in treating the disease, it is called a critical incident.

The Winnipeg Health Region takes these situations very seriously and has a process in place for individuals to report a critical incident.

Talk to us about a critical incident anytime 24 hours a day at 204-788-8222.

To encourage reporting and full, open participation in the investigation by health-care providers, the investigation process is confidential and privileged under law. This is intended to support providers and encourage them to speak frankly and openly about what occurred.

The CIRC strives to complete their review within 88 working days, but this time frame varies according to the complexity of the event.

We value, support and respect your contribution in sharing details about a critical incident. We want to partner with you in our efforts to learn about our health care system through this process with the goal being system wide improvements for the future.
