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Tobacco Reduction

Tobacco use is the biggest cause of preventable death and disease in Canada. Our service includes working with partners and policy interventions focusing on:

  • Prevention (prevent youth and young adults from using)
  • Cessation (help people to stop using)
  • Protection (protect people from second hand smoke)
  • Denormalization (change people's thinking about tobacco products)

We work in partnership with stakeholders to address substance use and misuse issues by building community capacity and enhancing support for prevention activities and interventions.

Pamphlets / Booklets

One Step at a Time Series (Self-Help Booklets)

A support series for smokers, and people who want to help.

  1. One Step At A Time: “For smokers who want to quit”
  2. One Step At A Time: “For smokers who don't want to quit”
  3. One Step At A Time: “Help a smoker quit”

Available from: http://www.cancer.ca/publications

Canadian Cancer Society
Manitoba Division
193 Sherbrook Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 2B7
Phone:  204-774-7483
Toll Free:  1-888-532-6982

Journey to Quit (Self-Help Booklet)

This workbook is designed as a self-help guide complete with the ideas and tools needed to assist people who have decided to quit smoking. The guide is divided into three sections: thinking and preparation, planning and choosing strategies, and then action. It allows people to go at their own pace and comfort level and choose the ideas and approach that best suit their individual needs.

Available from: https://lung.healthdiary.ca/Guest/Product.aspx?IDS=xK22ZUK78etdGTd%2bb9ezfA%3d%3d

The Manitoba Lung Association
301 - 1 Wesley Avenue
Winnipeg, MB  R3C 4C6
Phone: 204-774-5501

Reduction and Cessation Supports

Telephone Counseling and Other Support

First week challenge contest (2018): Participants register before the beginning of the next month then quit for the first seven days to be eligible to win $500

Break it Off: A website and app aimed towards young adults. www.breakitoff.ca

Walk or Run to Quit: An innovative program where participants of all ages and fitness levels learn to walk or run 5 KM  while receiving practical support on quitting smoking. Successfully quitting for 5 weeks could make the participant eligible to win $1000. Register at www.runtoquit.com

Group Programs

Commit to Quit 

Commit to Quit is a 5 week group program for people who are planning to quit using tobacco. Most people will be ready to quit after week 4 of the program. Participants learn about support techniques and aids to quit smoking, including smoking cessation medications. The program supports you to develop a plan to quit and work through your plan. Come learn and practice strategies to stay tobacco free for the long term.

Dates and locations of Commit to Quit Programs