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Service Areas

Communicable Disease Prevention & Management
The goal of Communicable Disease Prevention and Management is to prevent and decrease the spread of infectious diseases. A team of Medical Officers of Health, Communicable Disease Coordinators, Public Health Nurses, Public Health Inspectors and Epidemiologists work together to track, prevent and manage communicable diseases.

Environmental Health
Environmental health addresses all the physical, chemical, and biological factors external to a person, and all the related factors impacting behaviours. It encompasses the assessment and control of those environmental factors that can potentially affect health.

Health Equity Promotion
Health equity means that all people can reach their full health potential and should not be disadvantaged from attaining it because of socially determined circumstances.  These circumstances include social and economic status, social class, racism, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation and others.

Healthy Built Environment
The WRHA Population and Public Health Program works collaboratively with other WRHA sites and programs (e.g. Community Areas and Capital Planning) and other organizations to promote the development of natural and built environments accessible to all in the Winnipeg Health Region that support health, well-being, safety, social interaction, mobility and a sense of pride and cultural identity.

Healthy Children & Youth
It is important to prevent illness and promote health in children and youth. Public health staff work with schools and other youth serving organizations to influence patterns for a healthy life.  These patterns determine future capacity and risk for chronic disease, mental health, nutrition, physical activity, sexuality, coping, stress management, anger management and substance use.

Healthy Parenting & Early Childhood Development
The prenatal period through the first five years of life are critically important to a child’s healthy development and strongly influence success later in life.  Healthy pregnancy, breastfeeding and healthy nutrition, parental mental well-being, safe nurturing environments and positive parenting are the most powerful influences on healthy child development.

Healthy Sexuality & Harm Reduction
Our goal is to decrease the spread of sexually-transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs). We partner with community agencies to enhance our services. Our direct service team includes Outreach Workers and Public Health Nurses.

Disease prevention is key to public health. It is better to prevent than to treat a disease. Vaccines save lives and prevent illness and disability. Immunization protects the people who receive them and those with whom they come in contact.

IMPACT, Injury Prevention
IMPACT, the injury prevention teamworks with public health staff, government and community groups to help prevent injuries in people of all ages living in Winnipeg.

Mental Health Promotion
The Mental Health Promotion program develops, implements, and evaluates numerous initiatives that aim to promote mental health by building upon strengths and reducing risk factors to ultimately achieve mental healthy individuals and communities.

Nutrition Promotion
The goal of the Nutrition Promotion team is to improve the nutritional health of the population in the Winnipeg Health Region by partnering with others to influence conditions that support and encourage healthy food choices.

Physical Activity Promotion
The goal of the WRHA - Physical Activity Promotion team is to create communities where physical activity is a part of everyone’s daily life for health, well-being and enjoyment.  The Physical Activity Promotion team leads the Winnipeg in motion partnership.

Surveillance is the ongoing collection, collation and analysis of data and the timely communication of this information so that action can be taken.

Tobacco Reduction
Tobacco use is the biggest cause of preventable death and disease in Canada. We work in partnership with stakeholders to address substance use and misuse issues by building community capacity and enhancing support for prevention activities and interventions.

Travel Health
The Travel Health Clinic offers pre and post travel health services. Public Health Nurses provide immunization, education and advice to travellers before they leave on their trip.

Tuberculosis Prevention & Management
The goal of the Tuberculosis (TB) Public Health team is to reduce the spread of the disease and its impact on Manitoba communities.  The team works with people affected by tuberculosis, their family and their other health care providers from the time of their diagnosis until the end of treatment, within the WRHA Integrated TB Services framework.