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All WRHA/Shared Health sites have been accredited by Accreditation Canada.

Within the Quality Improvement & Patient Safety Unit, the WRHA Accreditation Team leads the regional accreditation process. It is the point of contact for site, program and community quality/accreditation leads and provides them with the information, training and tools required throughout the accreditation process.

What is Accreditation?

Accreditation is used by health care organizations to ensure they are providing the best care possible. It’s an ongoing process in which organizations evaluate their services against national standards of excellence to identify what they do well and where they could do better, and make improvements based on the results. Accreditation is a valuable tool for improving both the quality and safety of care.

Every four years, Accreditation Canada peer reviewers visit the organization to assess how well it is meeting the standards, share their expertise, and make recommendations. Accreditation Canada then evaluates the results of the review to determine whether the organization will be accredited, and provides a written report which identifies strengths and areas for improvement. The organization uses the report to create and implement action plans, continuing the cycle of ongoing quality improvement.

About Accreditation Canada

Accreditation Canada is a not-for-profit, independent organization accredited by the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua). It provides national and international health-care organizations with an external peer review process to assess and improve the services they provide to their patients and clients based on standards of excellence. Accreditation Canada’s programs and guidance have helped organizations promote quality health care for over 55 years. To learn more, visit

Contact Us

We welcome and value your feedback. If you have any comments, compliments, concerns, questions, or have any suggestions for the regional Accreditation Team, please feel free to email [email protected].