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Healthy Parenting & Early Childhood Development

The prenatal period through the first five years of life are critically important to a child's healthy development and strongly influence success later in life.  Healthy pregnancy, breastfeeding and healthy nutrition, parental mental well-being, safe nurturing environments and positive parenting are the most powerful influences on healthy child development.  Public Health Nurses offer home visits to all families after a birth.  They also provide support during pregnancy.  Public Health staff work with families to promote health and well-being.

Are you pregnant, have a new baby or a toddler at home?  Are you interested in learning how to promote your family's health and your child's development?  Do you want to know about  prenatal or parent-child groups in your community?

Contact Us

Contact a public health nurse in your local community area office:

ACCESS Downtown
2-640 Main Street
Winnipeg, MB  R3B 0L8
Phone: 204-940-1626

ACCESS River East
975 Henderson Highway
Winnipeg, MB R2K 4L7
Phone: 204-938-5000

2013 - 785 Keewatin
Winnipeg, MB R2X 3B9
Phone: 204-938-5900

ACCESS Winnipeg West
280 Booth Drive,
Winnipeg, MB R3J 3R7
Phone: 204-940-2040

ACCESS Transcona
845 Regent Avenue West
Winnipeg, MB R2C 3A9
Phone: 204-938-5555

ACCESS Fort Garry
135 Plaza Drive
Winnipeg, MB R3T 6E8
Phone: 204-940-2313

ACCESS St. Boniface
170 Goulet Street
Winnipeg, MB R2H 0R7
Phone: 204-940-1692

Point Douglas Community
Health Centre
601 Aikins Street
Winnipeg, MB R2W 4J5
Phone: 204-940-2025

Seven Oaks Health & Social Services Centre
Unit 3 – 1050 Leila Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R2P 1W6
Phone: 204-938-5600

Health Links – Info Santé

Health Links – Info Santé is a 24-hour, 7-days a week telephone information service. Staffed by registered nurses with the knowledge to provide answers over the phone to health care questions and guide you to the care you need.

Call anytime 204-788-8200 or toll-free 1-888-315-9257.


Pregnancy can be both a wonderful and anxiety-inducing experience. Both birthing hospitals and Ode'imin, formerly known as The Birth Centre, offer services to any expectant parents. You may also self-refer to your local Public Health office; see list for locations and phone numbers.

Financial assistance is available to help you maintain a healthy pregnancyIf you are pregnant, live in Manitoba and have a net family income of less than $32,000 a year, you may be able to receive the Manitoba Prenatal Benefit. If you are approved for the benefit, you can start to receive monthly cheques after the third month of pregnancy until the month your baby is due.  Apply for the Prenatal Benefit

For information on healthy eating, weight gain in pregnancy, visit the link below:

Are you temporarily in Winnipeg (from Nunavut) awaiting the birth of your baby?

Prenatal Connections Public Health Nurses may be able to help.  For more information call 204-940-8594.

Postpartum Depression

It is normal to go through an adjustment period following childbirth.  The baby blues usually begin a few days after birth and often go away on their own by two weeks. During the baby blues, women may feel weepy, overwhelmed, irritable, anxious, fatigued and have trouble sleeping. One in eight new parents experience postpartum depression.  If these feelings don't go away, talk to your public health nurse, doctor or midwife. If you are having thoughts of harming yourself or the baby, talk to someone immediately.

The Postpartum Depression Association of Manitoba is a locally led organization created by a group of committed women and health care providers.

Breastfeeding / Chest feeding

Breastfeeding / Chest feeding Clinics & Groups

Clinics and groups are available each weekday in a different part of Winnipeg.  Call your local Public Health Office for more information.

Breast Pumps

Feeding your baby often and early at the breast is helpful to establish your milk supply and relationship with your baby. Expressing/pumping your milk stimulates your body to make more milk if unable to latch baby, baby is in NICU or away from you. There also may be times you wish to give your baby expressed milk. If hand expressing is not producing enough, you may need to use a breast pump. Here are some resources to assist you to rent or purchase a pump. Please connect with your Public Health Nurse who can assist you with breastfeeding concerns and questions.

Breastfeeding Hotline

This hotline is a 24-hour, 7-days a week telephone information service. Staffed by registered nurses with the knowledge to provide breastfeeding counselling over the phone or to guide you to the care you need. (204) 788 -8667

Breast Milk Donation

Starting January 4, 2016, the Birth Centre will accept breast milk from donors approved by NorthernStar Mothers Milk Bank (formerly the Calgary Mothers Milk Bank). Women must first contact the NorthernStar Mothers Milk Bank to be screened prior to dropping off their donation at the Birth Centre.

For more information visit: www.northernstarmilkbank.com

La Leche League

La Leche League encourages, promotes and provides mother-to-mother breastfeeding support and educational opportunities as an important contribution to the health of children, families and society. Get breastfeeding information or support from a trained Leader by phone, email or at a local group.

Breastfeeding Online  hopes to help empower women to choose to breastfeed and to educate society at large about the importance and benefits of breastfeeding.


Tongue-tie is a condition that limits the tongue's ability to move freely.  It is caused by a short, thick or tight band of tissue called the frenulum.  Sometimes tongue-tie causes no problems, but can be associated with breastfeeding challenges which may include nipple pain and difficulty latching baby. This can result in poor weight gain due to lack of milk transferring to baby.  These are examples that would require further assessment, possible intervention and breastfeeding support to facilitate infant feeding.  Breastfeeding is still possible with an infant who is tongue-tied, however others times a simple surgical procedure called frenectomy is required to allow the tongue greater movement.  Here are some resources within Winnipeg to consider. This is not an exhaustive list and the WRHA does not endorse one over the other.

Parenting Support

Families First

Families First offers home visiting supports to families with children, from pregnancy to school entry. A public health nurse will visit with you to talk about your family. Together you will decide what community resources would be best for your family.

Families First home visiting services may be one of the options available to you depending on circumstances. A Families First Home Visitor will meet with you and your family on a regular basis. The home visitor will support you in building a strong relationship with your child and family, while sharing information and fun activities to help your child grow up healthy and happy.

For more information on Families First services, contact your community public health office.

Healthy Parenting Winnipeg

Healthy Parenting Winnipeg (HPW) website provides universal information on a wide variety of parenting topics spanning the prenatal to pre-school years.

HPW has created standardized messaging through work with local, provincial and national experts to ensure best practices are incorporated and information is accessible to all.  HPW can be accessed through: https://healthyparentingwinnipeg.ca

Healthy Baby Groups

Want to join other pregnant women and new parents, share a healthy snack and learn about prenatal health and healthy infant development.  Attend a Healthy Baby group in your community.

Fact Sheets