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Expense Reports

The Regional Health Authorities Act requires that regional health authorities publish on their website expenses paid to and on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer of the health authority, as well as the senior officers of each health corporation (non-devolved hospitals and personal care homes) located within the health region.

This requirement also applies to Shared Health, CancerCare Manitoba, and the Addictions Foundation of Manitoba.

Expense reports must be published on the regional health authority website no later than June 30th following the end of the fiscal year for which the report applies.

The 2013-14 fiscal year is the first year for which expense reporting was required.

The information and expenses to be published are defined by provincial regulation, and can be accessed here.

Health corporations are required by law to submit the information required under the regulation to regional health authorities who must then post the information to the region's website. Regional health authorities are not required to audit the information submitted by health corporations prior to posting. Expense reports have been reviewed by the Department of Health, Healthy Living and Seniors prior to the reports being posted.

Below is a list of all health corporations captured by the expense reporting requirement including the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. Following the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, health corporations are listed alphabetically by name, and include the name of the CEO or designated senior officer to whom the expense report applies. Clicking on the name of the health corporation will provide a downloaded PDF version of the expense report.

Expense reports from previous fiscal years will remain available on this web page.

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